How to Secure Linux Server with Iptables

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In today’s digital world, keeping your Linux server safe is more than just a good idea, it is must to secure linux server with iptables. With cyber threats on the rise, making your server tough against potential attacks is crucial. Imagine it like putting up a strong shield around your server. One of the most powerful tools you have in your defense toolkit is called iptables. iptables best parameter of firewalls, flexible and strong, and it plays a key role in making sure your Linux server stays safe from online dangers.

What is Iptables ?

Iptables is a user-space utility program that allows a system administrator to configure IP packet filter rules in the Linux kernel firewall. At its core, iptables operates by inspecting and manipulating network packets based on predetermined criteria. In simple terms, it acts as a gatekeeper, regulating the flow of traffic to and from your Linux server.

Packet filtering, a fundamental aspect of iptables, involves deciding whether to allow or block network traffic based on defined rules. These rules can be customized to suit specific security requirements, making iptables an invaluable tool for tailoring your server’s defense mechanisms.

How to Secure Linux Server with Iptables ?

To Secure Linux server with iptables involves setting up a firewall to control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Here we have several ways to approach.

1st Method: Basic Firewall Configuration

1. Install iptables

Ensure iptables is installed on your system. If not, install it using your package manager.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

2. Set default policies

Define default policies for INPUT, FORWARD, and OUTPUT chains.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

3. Allow loopback traffic

Allow traffic on the loopback interface.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

4. Allow established and related connections

Allow incoming packets that are part of established connections and related to those connections.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

5. Allow specific ports

Open necessary ports for services you want to make accessible.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

6. Save the rules

Save your iptables rules to persist across reboots.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

2nd Method: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)

1. Install UFW

UFW is a user-friendly interface for managing iptables.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

2. Enable UFW

Start and enable UFW.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

3. Allow specific ports

Open necessary ports.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

4. Deny incoming connections by default

Change the default incoming policy to deny.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

3rd Method: Firewalld (For CentOS/RHEL)

1. Install firewalld

Firewalld is the default firewall management tool for CentOS/RHEL.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

2. Start and enable firewalld

Start and enable the firewalld service.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

3. Allow specific services or ports

Open necessary services or ports.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

4. Reload firewalld

Reload the firewall rules.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables

Configuring Specific Rules

While a basic firewall provides a foundational level of security, it’s essential to configure specific rules for different services running on your Linux server. This ensures that only authorized traffic is allowed, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

SSH Rule

Allowing incoming SSH traffic is a common requirement. Use the following rule to permit SSH connections.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables


If your server hosts a website, you will need to allow incoming HTTP traffic.

Secure Linux Server with Iptables


Secure Linux server with iptables is like giving it a superhero cape. Understanding how to set up rules and keep an eye on your server’s traffic is stimulating. Stay alert, adjust your rules as needed, and your server will be a strong against cyber threats.


  1. Can I use iptables on any Linux distribution?
    Ans – Yes, iptables is widely supported and can be used on most Linux distributions.
  2. How often should I update my iptables rules?
    Ans – Regularly review and update your rules, especially after system changes or updates.
  3. Can iptables prevent DDoS attacks?
    Ans – While iptables can mitigate certain types of DDoS attacks, additional measures may be necessary for comprehensive protection.
  4. What is the difference between iptables and firewalld?
    Ans – Firewalld is a dynamic firewall manager for Linux, while iptables is a user-space utility for configuring the kernel firewall.

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